I'm Alexander Thiel

CTO, advisor. Let's build together!

About Me

I love solving complex problems in high-performing environments by attracting top talent and creating space to be awesome. I scaled several startups as CTO and enjoy occasional project work to broaden my horizon.

I love org building as much as hands-on architecture and software engineering. Right now, I'm exploring interim tech management. Let's talk about your challenges and solve them together. If the setup is right, I'm open to permanent employment.

CTO & Co-Founder

CTO & Co-Founder

I help shape company-strategy and translate it into product/tech strategy and a fast-moving tech org, empowering tech teams and leaders to build user-centric software that scales.

(Technical) Due Dilligence

(Technical) Due Dilligence

I work with investors and funds to scrutinize startups' team, business model, and their ability to deliver the technolgy needed to succeed.

Startup Mentoring

Startup Mentoring

I help hackathons and company builders support their startups and identify most promising investment candidates.

Architecture & Code

Architecture & Code

Startups need software that fits their growth. I've built prototypes, led the long-term migration and refactoring projects and built cuting-edge reactive microservice architectures when needed.

Tech Recruitment

Tech Recruitment

Recruitment is the first step in a continuous personal development process. Top talent demands not just a good product and modern technologies but also an inclusive culture and regular and frequent feedback and goal setting.

Climate Systems Thinker

Climate Systems Thinker

I spent two years working with the world's most impactful activists, scientists, and founders to build a comprehensive understanding on what technical and cultural pathways have positive climate impact; and which ones don't.


Atlas Metrics
Protocol Labs
Imagine Zero
Fridays For Future
Curious Capital
Open Formation
Planet A Ventures
Wunder Mobility
Universitätsk-Frauenklinikum Tübingen
Cray Supercomputers
Warner Music

Get In Touch

Let's talk about distributed architecture, org building, how to attract amazing tech talent, GenAI, and cyber security.

Alexander Thiel
Oppelner Straße 46-47
10997 Berlin


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